table Chassis
mass 3500 ;mass of car including driver weight (lbs)
mx 64000 ;inertia on x axis (height); (1/2000) * (mass)*(length^2 + width^2)
my 64000 ;inertia on y axis (width); (1/2000) * (mass)*(height^2 + length^2)
mz 10000 ;inertia on z axis (length); (1/2000) * (mass)*(width^2 + height^2)
;but since NH doesn't use exact physics on this, some "guesstimation" may do as well ;)
width 75.0 ;width (inch)
height 51.0 ;height (inch)
ftrack 60.5 ;distance from left to right front wheel (inch)
rtrack 60.5 ;distance from left to right rear wheel (inch)
wheelbase 110.0 ;distance from from front to rear axis (inch)
cm_height 10.0 ;height of center of mass of car body; important to adjust with rc_heights
wheel_lock 0, 35.0 ;front wheel turning angle range, to be adjusted in garage
fuel_capacity 22.0 ;gallons of fuel
frontal_area 19.0 ;goes with drag = how much accelerating will be slowed down with increasing speed
;sideeffect is how big the car's slipstream will be
drag 0.30 ;body drag, see above
cp_height 18.0 ;center of pressure height; aerodynamics
cp_long 51.0 ;center of pressure position on car's length axis; aerodynamics
lat_drag .90 ;sideways drag; only noticeable on speedways, if ever
vert_drag 2.0 ;drag from top; only noticeable on speedways, if ever
front_lift -0.025 ;body front lift; positive values on lift will cause the car to lift
;and thus wouldn't make any sense
rear_lift -0.1 ;body rear lift
fspoiler_lift -.31, -.36 ;front spoiler lift range; adjustment range will always be 0 to 100% in garage
fspoiler_drag .075, 0.06 ;front spoiler drag range; goes with front spoiler lift
rspoiler_lift -.19, -.40 ;rear spoiler lift range
rspoiler_drag .038, .080 ;rear spoiler drag range
rspoiler_angle 40.0, 70.0 ;rear spoiler adjustment range; if set 0.0,95.0 you'll get a range from 16% to 95%
model_offset 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ;the car's mesh position in the game in relationship to wheels
head_pos -14.2, 38.378, -8.154 ;driver's head x,y,z-position
head_pitch 0.0 ;driver's view angle; negative value= looking down, pos value = up
shifter_throw 10.0, 15.0, 0.0 ;shifter mesh x,y,z-position
tachometer 65, 64 ;center of needle on tachometer gauge texture, which has total size of 128x128
tachometer1 0000 21,93 ;x,y pos on gauge texture where needle points to when displaying 0 rpm
tachometer2 3000 26,28 ;x,y pos on gauge texture where needle points to when displaying 3000 rpm
tachometer3 5000 65,10 ;x,y pos on gauge texture where needle points to when displaying 5000 rpm
tachometer4 8000 114,46 ;x,y pos on gauge texture where needle points to when displaying 8000 rpm
tachometer5 10000 109,89 ;x,y pos on gauge texture where needle points to when displaying 10000 rpm
oil_pressure_gauge 52,132
oil_pressure_gauge1 0 30,149
oil_pressure_gauge2 20 26,132
oil_pressure_gauge3 60 62,108
oil_pressure_gauge4 100 73,149
oil_temp_gauge 137,133
oil_temp_gauge1 0 117,149
oil_temp_gauge2 140 115,146
oil_temp_gauge3 180 111,129
oil_temp_gauge4 200 117,117
oil_temp_gauge5 240 147,108
oil_temp_gauge6 260 158,150
water_temp_gauge 80, 133
water_temp_gauge1 0 59,150
water_temp_gauge2 140 57,147
water_temp_gauge3 180 52,129
water_temp_gauge4 200 57,117
water_temp_gauge5 240 89,108
water_temp_gauge6 260 106,123
water_temp_gauge7 280 101,149
fuel_gauge 123,199
fuel_gauge1 0 103,215
fuel_gauge2 3 95,199
fuel_gauge3 6 107,177
fuel_gauge4 12 149,190
fuel_gauge5 20 144,214
volt_gauge 166,146
volt_gauge1 0 144,131
volt_gauge2 10 153,123
volt_gauge3 16 181,122
volt_gauge4 18 183,126
; speedometer 0, 160 -145, 0.00, 145 ;should work same way as all other gauge definitions
table BodySpeedway ;used for restrictor plate racing at superspeedways
frontal_area 19.0
drag 0.26
cp_height 18.0
cp_long 51.0
lat_drag .90
vert_drag 2.0
front_lift 0.0
rear_lift 0.1
fspoiler_lift -.17, -.19
fspoiler_drag .030, 0.025
rspoiler_lift -.19, -.40
rspoiler_drag .038, .080
table EngineNormal
power_max 720 ;max hp...
power_rpm 8000 ;at this rpm
torque_max 600 ;max torque...
torque_rpm 4800 ;at this rpm
redline 8600 ;max rpm (shift light)
idle_speed 800 ;idle rpm
inertia 15 ;engine's inertia
drag .045 ;if set lower than 0.03, there will be no engine overheating
fuel_consumption . .04 ;just what it says
mass 360 ; engine mass (not used?)
displacement 8.0 ;not used; total engine cylinder volume
sound eng1 ;what sound files to use;
;here: eng1i.sfx = idle sound,
; eng10.sfx = external sound
; eng11.sfx = internal sound low rpm
; eng12.sfx = internal sound high rpm
; eng1e.ens = definition file
;need to be located in part.res
cold_idle_speed 1500 ;idle rpm for cold engine
engine_temp 180 ;temperature when engine starts overheating
oil_pressure 15, 10, 60 ;oil pressure normal,min,max values, as displayed on gauge
table EngineRestrictor ;used for restrictor plate racing at superspeedways
power_max 364
power_rpm 6800
torque_max 420
torque_rpm 4500
redline 8600
idle_speed 800
inertia 15
drag .045
fuel_consumption . 04
mass 360
displacement 8.0
sound eng1
cold_idle_speed 1500
engine_temp 180
oil_pressure 15, 10, 60
table Transmission
num_gears 4 ;number of gears
inertia 5 ;how free tranny is
drag .0001 ;
torque_balance 1.0 ;1 = rear wheel driven
;0 = front wheel driven
;01-0.9 = 4 wheel driven
fstiff 0.0 ;differential coupling force (front)
rstiff 10.0 ;differential coupling force (rear)
cstiff 0.0 ;differential coupling force (all)
ratio 3.73 ;final gear ratio preset, to be adjusted in garage
clutch_torque 1600 ;torque when releasing clutch
clutch_rpm 400 ;rpm on releasing clutch
table Front
camber -10, 10 ;front camber range
toe -4, 4 ;front wheels' toe
ride 5, 9 ;front wheels' ride height range; will be set by track physics
caster 6.0 ;front caster; the higher, the less directly/nervous will the car react to steering manouevres
anti_pitch .10 ;dunno
rc_height 0 ;front roll center height;
;if higher than rear roll center, the car will tend to understeer
;if lower than rear roll center, the car will tend to oversteer
; imagine an axis from front to rear roll center:
; the center of mass will roll around this axis, so it's important
; to adjust center of mass height to this roll center axis, otherwise
; the car may either feel like dead or easily tip over in turns
bump_camber -.20 ;camber of shocks
bump_toe -.40 ;toe on shocks
compliance_steer .09 ;determination of front wheel steering (?)
compliance_camber .60 ;flexibility on camber (?)
torque_steer 1.0 ;degree of flex per 1000lbs of force
solid_axle no ;just what is says
damage_impulse .5 ;how easily the car's front suspension gets damaged
removal_impulse .6 ;how easily the car loses front wheels on crashes
rate 200,600 ;front spring rate range divided by 2 (on rear NOT divided by 2!)
sway 0,800 ;front sway bar range
bump 60,840 ;front bump range
rebound 60,840 ;front rebound range
rubber_rate 400 ;front bump stop rate; should be set 0 on cars that don't have such rubber stops
rubber_height 1.0 ;should be set 0 on road racing cars; height of bump stop rubber
resistance .110 ;front tire resistance to longitudinal movement
friction 10 ;actually this defines how fast/much front tires heat up on speed = tire wear rate
diameter 17 ;not used; same as tire_diameter
tire_diameter 28 ;just what is says
aspect 35 ;front tire/rim diameter ratio; goes with lateral stiffness/grip
width 305 ;front tire width
mass 20 ;front tire mass; tire_diameter^2*PI*(tire_width/30000)
moment 350 ;front tire inertia; 1/40 * tire_diameter^2 * tire_mass
model rtire ;front tire mesh model
ref_width 305 ;not used; same as width
magic_b .714 ;magic numbers, define tire compund attributes
magic_c 1.40 ;
magic_d 1.0 ;
magic_e -.20
;lateral stiffness and friction are defined by linear functions:
frict_k1 1.46 ;front tire lateral grip at load1/slow turns
frict_load1 800
frict_k2 1.25 ;front tire lateral grip at load2/fast turns
frict_load2 2000
stiff_c1 410 ;front tire lateral stiffness at load1/slow turns
stiff_load1 800
stiff_c2 633 ;front tire lateral stiffness at load2/fast turns
stiff_load2 2000
camber_stiff .05 ;front tire stiffness at camber peak
camber_grip .09 ;front tires grip at camber peak
camber_peak 5 ;camber peak
long_stiff 1.1 ;front tires' stiffness for longitudinal movement as multiple of lateral
long_frict 1.4 ;front tires' friction for longitudinal movement as multiple of lateral
brake_force 0,3000 ;front brake force range
table Rear ;same as on front tire definitions
camber -1.5, 1.5
toe -.5, .5
ride 5, 9
caster 0.0
anti_pitch .30
rc_height 4
bump_camber -1.0
bump_toe .05
compliance_steer .09
compliance_camber .01
torque_steer 0.2
solid_axle yes
damage_impulse .5
removal_impulse .6
rate 200,600
sway 0,50
bump 60,840
rebound 60,840
rubber_rate 400
rubber_height 1.0
resistance .110
friction 10
diameter 17
tire_diameter 28
aspect 35
width 305
mass 24
moment 350
model rtire
ref_width 305
magic_b .714
magic_c 1.40
magic_d 1.0
magic_e -.20
frict_load1 800
frict_k1 1.46
frict_load2 2000
frict_k2 1.25
stiff_load1 800
stiff_c1 418.2
stiff_load2 2000
stiff_c2 645.7
camber_stiff .05
camber_grip .09
camber_peak 5
long_stiff 1.1
long_frict 1.4
brake_force 0,3000