Author Topic: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released  (Read 56979 times)

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Offline Blaxman

Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:54:55 AM »

Hi everybody!!!

Here's the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod for Platinum G3.  A huge effort was made to make possible to release this that soon into the year. We had to update and develop lots of things to make this possible in all its extent.

The mod provides 3 models that work for all current Cup Series car brands. Any model will work for Ford, Chevy and Toyota. The differences are the F1-key view options.

The options are:

- Model name: MCCH (for those who like the blue gauges cockpit)

- Model name: MCDT (for those who like the green gauges/bargraph RPM meter cockpit)

- Model name: MCHV (for those who like the hood view, no cockpit)

G3-ME Track Pack:

 The mod also features the 23 updated tracks used for Monster Cup schedule. 24 tracks in total since Daytona has an additional night version included. For each one of these tracks, the mod has a new feature called ghostcar that will be explained below.

Ghostcar feature for practicing (only at G3-ME tracks):

  You can take the ghostcar feature ON at Setup screen after loading the desired track.  With this feature activated, the mod will bring "average laps" raced by the PACECAR as guide.  Then... when the user beats the pacecar lap time, it becomes himself the lap to beat. So... as the user gets himself improved.... it has to beat himself more and more.

 Now... here's the coolest part:

Once the user participates of online races, the best laps ever record of the races will be captured/recorded on his mod records.  So, for example: Let's say "whoever" scored the BEST LAP EVER on the raced track. The user will later be able to race against "whoever's" ghostcar (as long as he wants) and try to adjust his car or skills to catch "whoever" and beat him up next time they go online.  :icon_mrgreen:

 So.....  it's up to the drivers now.

 Mod installation:

We are trying to make it simple this time around. To avoid all those problems Windows 7, 8 or 10 use to have with Windows putting things on the wrong places or virtual folders. We are providind the mod and tracks in folders. 

All the user need to do is the following....

For the mod:

 Unzip the Mod pack, copy the CotPlatinumG3 folder and paste it into Nascar HEAT folder.  New users installing the mod for the first time will only need this. No need to install base files.  For the older users, who already have the 2016 (or older) mod working, they just need to confirm to overwrite the existing files.  That's it.

For the tracks:

 Unzip the pack, select all track files together, copy and paste them all into the Run folder (that is into Nascar HEAT folder). That's it.

We'll be available to respond any questions and provide some help if needed. Just let us know....   (Y) 


It's already available the TMS Carviewer with the 2017 model (and many others).  You guys will like this cool feature TMS provides. Big thanks to Speedman11 for that!!  :applaud:


 A big, huge thank  you goes to every  single person who ever help us to build any if the Platinum mods since the begining. Their names are all in the Credits Screen, we like to reinforce that for the guys who made this 2017 mod possible though:
Thanks to Spike, Daniel Nace, Speedman11 and DaveO!!!!  You guys ROCK!!!!!    :applaud: :good2:

 OK....  enough talking, right?

Here are the links....  have fun guys!!!!



Have fun, yall!!  (Y)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 03:37:02 PM by Spike »

Offline DaveO

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 12:16:03 PM »
Congrats Mauro, on a job well done.. :applaud:  I'm sure the guys are going to enjoy the new updates of digital dash, physics, and a few other gems..  The ingame paints are first class, Puttzracer, Spike and Mauro.  Amazing job. :icon_mrgreen: :good2:

 :allhail: :allhail:

Offline RedRagGT

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2017, 01:01:24 PM »
Guys !!!  This is Amazing !!   Thank You for time and effort to All in involved making this incredible piece of work.. Blaxman you rock man..Mod ..Tracks ..Cars ..extras.. thank you... Gone racing !!

Offline Blaxman

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2017, 03:28:35 PM »
You're welcome, RedRagGT!! 

Hopefully we'll have many more cool stuff coming.  (Y)

Offline DusterLag

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Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2017, 07:56:55 PM »
Thanks for this Blaxman, great stuff.

Also noticed last night that you had also updated the Bristol and Darlington G3 versions in the mod folder, I felt like I found hidden treasure, lol
DusterLag -
HeatFinder Admin, ARL Director, TMS Moderator, Driver

Offline Blaxman

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2017, 08:26:13 PM »
Thanks for this Blaxman, great stuff.

Also noticed last night that you had also updated the Bristol and Darlington G3 versions in the mod folder, I felt like I found hidden treasure, lol

Oh.. indeed, Duster!  I forgot to mention that.

Bristol and Darlington files were put directly into the mod folder. This way it wont overwrite the original tracks. Thses two tracks are those dual pit lane tracks that can't be renamed..... otherwise they end inverting the pit positions.   ;-)

Offline Rogue

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2017, 08:33:42 PM »
Such a great mod, congrats to Blaxman and his team.

Offline destroyer

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2017, 10:26:48 PM »
cant top whats already been said great piece of work and to have to enjoy at start of season thank you all that were involved in bringing us this gem

Offline Hunter

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2017, 11:39:26 AM »
very good as I new it would be great job keep heat going

Offline jwa

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2017, 02:12:30 PM »
Just a fantastic job. Can't say enough.

Offline geekysteved

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2017, 02:09:31 PM »
I installed the Monster Energy Cup Mod today and I'm having an issue. When I open the MOD launcher, the mod is there, but when it opens, the game loads the default screen and car set. What's going on?

Offline DusterLag

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Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2017, 03:00:58 PM »
I installed the Monster Energy Cup Mod today and I'm having an issue. When I open the MOD launcher, the mod is there, but when it opens, the game loads the default screen and car set. What's going on?

Are you the same person who posted in the Heat Community on Facebook? Looks like you got it fixed. :)
DusterLag -
HeatFinder Admin, ARL Director, TMS Moderator, Driver

Offline mccc457

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2017, 06:40:22 AM »
Played this all day yesterday, lots of fun. The ghost mode is great

Offline Grumpy

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2017, 09:32:35 AM »
Great Job Mauro and Crew.  (Y) :allhail:

It will definitely get a lot of playing time.  :2wind14: :3gears: :rally_drive:

Wish the gauges could be seen from the chase view.
Some Of My Best Friends Are People I don't Even Know!!!  Long Live Heat

Offline Blaxman

Re: Platinum G3: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series mod Released
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2017, 12:46:58 PM »
Great Job Mauro and Crew.  (Y) :allhail:

It will definitely get a lot of playing time.  :2wind14: :3gears: :rally_drive:

Wish the gauges could be seen from the chase view.

 Thanks, Grumpy!! You're welcome!!  (Y)

 I had to limit the number of models to 3 due the very little time for development of everything that was updated.  You know....  screens, paints, cars, tracks.  Extra models with a variety of options is planned to 2018 though.  :icon_cool:


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