Author Topic: Camping World Truck Series Released by: DaveO  (Read 11834 times)

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Offline TMS_Admin

Camping World Truck Series Released by: DaveO
« on: July 31, 2015, 05:37:40 PM »
Camping World Truck Series Released by: DaveO

We are proud to present Camping World Truck Series for Nascar Heat..

Jack (Smoke-OR) from Om3GA Racing has granted us permission to convert his Camping World Truck Mod from NR2003 to Nascar Heat. Jack has also secured permission from the Rfactor modding Group SSS so we can use the Chevy, Ford and
Toyota models that he used in his mod, from the SSS Modding Group, the Dodge truck in the mod belong's to Jack orginally.

As an extra bonus, we also have permission from Games123 to use his paints from his 2015 Daytona 500 carset, to use with the Truck mod.

For years, I've been wanting to do a Truck mod for Nascar Heat, because it's my all time favorite top tier series that I personally enjoyed..   So us getting permission from OM3GA Racing and the modding group SSS from Rfactor, really meant a lot to me.  I don't normally do conversions of mods from other sims.  But like I mentioned, this was a labor of love for a series that means a great deal to me..

There are so many people from communities that came together in allowing us to do things to make this happen, I for one will always be grateful to them.


Original Models: Smoke OR (Jack)  and Rfactor modding group SSS.

Original Templates: Woofgm

NR2003 Daytona 500 CWTS paints
: Games123

Model Conversion: DaveO

UI's: DaveO

Cockpit Textures: DaveO

Template updates: Rogue

UI Renders:  Rogue

Physics: DaveO and Dave Jr.

On the heat side for adding additional Paints and Dodge Paints:

Rogue Puttzracer, Speedyman11, and Spike..

GCF's: Hunter

BETA TESTERS: Hunter, Rogue, Speedyman11, Blaxman & DaveO

Nascar Heat Car Viewer:

Well as normal I suck at this writing stuff, and enjoy more the development side of stuff! :) 

Everyone thank you so much for all the hardwork that all of you put into this mod.  I can't put it into words, but a humble thank you for everything.

nuff said from me, go download the mod, and go have some fun!!



Offline Ashton

Re: Camping World Truck Series Released by: DaveO
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2022, 01:36:48 AM »
does this mod work on rfactor 1?

Offline spin_doctor

Re: Camping World Truck Series Released by: DaveO
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2022, 06:55:33 PM »
This is a mod built to run in NASCAR HEAT. HEAT has no relationship to the Rfactor platform. Mods built for HEAT are not edited nor compiled to work in Rfactor.
Although it is possible to convert the models and graphics files to work between the two games, the physics engine in each game is quite different.
Missed It By That Much...!


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