G3 Series w/2013 Cup Mod To Debut TONIGHT[/align]
Mod: Platinum G3 2013 Cup ModTrack: G3-Daytona_SP at
HeatMasters.no-ip.org server
When: Tuesday, March 12th - 9:00pm EST
About: The 3rd season of
NHPS - G3 Series will debut on March 12th (9pm EST) being then the first points race officially ran under the new
TheModSquad Racing Leagues brand.
The mod to be ran is the recently released Platinum G3 2013 Sprint Cup Mod. The full schedule and sign up thread can be seen on the links below.
Sign ups are now open here:http://www.themodsquad.info/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=4916.